St Joseph, Langley, Completed Project

We’re so happy to have installed the last five windows in our sequence of twelve Old Testament windows in St Joseph’s, Langley!

We have been working on and off with this project since 2019 (designed in 2017 but took a while to gain momentum) windows were commissioned one or two at a time as benefactors were found and then installed when we had at least a few ready to go.
Looking at the twelve all completed I thought that I would have a favourite, but what I feel is that I have favourite elements in each window – for example the snake from the Fall of Adam and Eve, the animals in the Noah window, the water that Moses parts, the horses and fiery chariot taking Elijah to Heaven, and the skull in the Valley of the Dry Bones. I’m guessing this could be a common refrain for artists with a large portfolio of work?